Friday, November 23, 2012

My 24th Birthday in Spain!

                                I got to spend My birthday abroad!

24 añitos, plena juventud diría yo y con mucho que aún aprender. Este ańo la vida
Me regalo dos cosas por las cuales estoy muy agradecida y aunque no pueda celebrar mi cumpleaños con mi familia esté ańo tengo la suerte de poder disfrutarlo en España con mi novio.

Los cumpleaños son fechas especiales. Y estés donde estés siempre tiene que haber una celebración, no importa que sea pequeńa o grande pero que sea un recuerdo bonito y especial.

Pienso que también es importante reflexionar sobre nuestros ańos y anticipar nuevos retos para seguir alimentando los ańos que nos queden por vivir. En fin recuerda que es bonito compartir tu cumpleaños y aún más bonito hacer el cumpleaños de otros un día muy especial y no me refiero a ningún regalo.

In Santiago we ate at a very nice Tapas Place and enjoyed a delicious spanish meal with Vino tinto of course. 

My friends also surprised me with a cake the following day :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

6 weeks in...

I've been in Spain for about 6 weeks now, but it feels like I've been here for ever. I've been living with three Guys, one from England doing the same program I am doing. A Portuguese guy from Porto that is writing his master thesis and a Galician that is doing an internship for the Galician  channel. I've never lived with just guys before, but it's been good. Everyone pretty much minds their own business and sometimes we hang out in the weekends. This works great with my personality because I like having my space as I grew up in a land where your personal bubble is important! Popular expression in America, I need my space...

Now Spain has a completely different mind set. There is no distance proximity when you talk to people. I've been working 3/4 days a week from about 8am-3pm so I have a lot of free time!! Yay! Now I love free time, but when your in Spain only making 700 euros a month my first thought is, I need more money in order to survive and of course travel a bit this year. So within the first few weeks I've managed to get about 8 classes particulares for that extra cash! I also join a Volleyball team and plan on joining a gym and hopefully some cooking classes!

As for the weekends well what can I say, there are the occasional birthday celebrations, get together s  daily trips to small towns around Galicia and a bit of partying. I thought I would be going out more often, since we all know that Spain has that party reputation, but honestly I can't keep up with their crazy schedules. They have dinner at 10/11ish then after a long dinner they go de copas in the old town until about 3am, at 4am,  they go to clubs in the new town until about 9am! That schedule makes me tired and me being my 24 year old I much rather go home at 3/4am and get some lovely sleep! I will go dacing someday soon in Spain I just really need to prepare for it haha take one long nap beforehand.


I haven't really gone anywhere YET! I went to A Curuña with my boyfriend for my birthday (I will blog about that)
Also visited Pontevedra with other Auxiliares and my biggest trips have been to Amsterdam to visit my boyfriend. I will visit Morocco in a week!! I am so exited to get out of Europe for a change and explore Africa!

So.. I believe that sums up 6 weeks in Santiago De Compostela thus far.